UiO300 Ultrasonic Series

February 2024: LPRS releases its new range of Ultrasonic distance measurement & object detection devices to market


New Product Release: LPRS’s new UiO300 series marks the entry into an exciting new market as we release a range of sensors for warehouse automation systems.  Popular alongside Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Automated Mobile Robots (AMRs) used distribution centres, factories and warehousing, these sensors allow for object detection or distance measurement with mm precision across distances of 25mm – 200mm in almost any operating environment.  

The sensors have a range of output options including serial, analog and digital, coupled with a wide operating temperature range of -30+85 degrees C making them suitable for almost any distance measurement or object detection system.

UiO300 Ultrasonic Series

Nick Pummell, Managing Director of LPRS comments:

“With the boom in e-commerce signalling a shift in recent years from traditional brick-and-mortar shopping to online, we are all benefiting from retailers investments in efficient technologies and processes.  Our new UiO product range is designed specifically for this market, working hand in hand alongside AGV’s and AMR’s to provide critical sensing capabilities.

We couldn’t be more excited to enter this market at a time when investment and the trajectory in the sector is growing year on year, and look forward to releasing the rest of our innovative range throughout 2024”

Crucial Components

Ultrasonic sensors play a crucial role in enhancing the performance of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs).  They reliably detect objects in real-time, either at fixed locations to notify systems of arriving at its location or along the robot’s path throughout its journey.  As they use low frequency sound waves to determine distance, they do not suffer any loss in performance no matter the surface type or quality, lighting conditions or temperature.

Ultrasonic sensors empower AGV’s, AMR’s and automated warehouses with real-time awareness and adaptability making them indispensable components in modern automated systems.


The global warehouse automation market is on a trajectory of remarkable growth, driven by several key factors. By 2026, it is estimated to reach a value of $30 billion with a CAGR of 14%. The key drivers behind this surge are:

  1. E-commerce Boom: The shift from traditional brick-and-mortar shopping to online retail has intensified the need for efficient fulfillment and shipping practices.

  2. Labour Cost and Flexibility: Investing in warehouse automation offers a cost-effective solution with high return on investment (ROI). Automated warehouses can seamlessly handle order spikes during peak seasons, a challenge for manual operations.

  3. Technological Leaps: Rapid advancements in robotics, mechanics, machine vision, AI, and deep learning are propelling warehouse automation. The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and interconnected warehouse systems further contribute to this growth.

  4. Mobile Robots: These versatile robots perform a range of tasks, including sorting, picking, packaging, transportation, and security. Amazon, a pioneer in robot-driven warehouses, boasts over 200,000 mobile robots in its facilities.

  5. AGVs and AMRs: Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) and Automated Mobile Robots (AMRs) are gaining popularity due to their scalability and adaptability. They integrate seamlessly into existing warehouse layouts without major infrastructure changes. The global AGV/AMR market is projected to exceed $18 billion by 2027.

Contact LPRS today for more information!


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