easyRadio Firmware & Software

easyRadio eRA & eRIC Software

easyRadio Companion software, programmer files, hex files, drivers, scripts and firmware for easyRadio Advanced (eRA) and easyRadio Integrated Controller (eRIC) modules.

easyRadio Firmware & Software

Relevant to easyRadio Software

Code Examples

Code Examples

Some code examples to help get you started quickly.

Free to download and use, open source code examples for you to start testing and evaluating your radio project quickly and effectively.


Application Notes & Tutorials

Application Notes & Tutorials

A rich resource to explain some of the ways you can use our modules

Application Notes which you can use to get you started with your own project or application.




Get started quickly!

Take a look through some of our easy to follow tutorials for getting up and running with your easyRadio quickly. We have many useful examples of using some of the key parts of our products.


Share your easyRadio projects

Tag your projects with #easyradio and share your pictures and experiences with us.

Low Power Radio Solutions
Station Lane
OX28 4BH
United Kingdom

T: +44 (0) 1993 709418      
F: +44 (0) 1993 708575
E:  sales@lprs.co.uk


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